
Jobban szereti a testét 51 évesen, mint 20 évesen ez az anyuka

Azt mondja, régen vékony volt, ma viszont izmos és életerős.

Sokkal jobban szeret bikinit hordani most, hogy elmúlt 50 éves egy amerikai influencer. Laura Hikkila Kaliforniában él, és holisztikus tanácsadóként dolgozik, na meg a saját testén, egészen 2002 óta. Azt mondja, a húszas-harmincas éveiben sovány volt, de nem volt semmi tónusa vagy ereje.

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

One of the biggest #transformations we can have as women that are aging is a #transformation in our confidence! . Aging is a tough thing in a world that people seem to value people's outward appearance more than their inner self, but I would have to say feeling confident with my outward appearance, my abilities to help others and also with my ability to stand up for myself as I have gotten older has been my most important transformation. . Helping other women regain their confidence is the most rewarding work I've ever done. Teaching them that they really have control of their bodies and it isn't selfish to start putting their health first after years of taking care of everyone else. You don't have to look a certain way or reach a particular goal to begin feeling confident. Confidence comes from putting your best efforts forward and knowing you are working on being beautiful on both the inside and out. Confidence comes from believing in yourself and it's never too late to start, sometimes you just need a little guidance in where to start. . If you feel like you've lost your confidence I'd love to help you find it so you can shine bright like the beautiful person you are meant to be! Just click on the link in my bio and let's get started! . . . . . #transformationtuesday #confidence #womenover50 #womenover40 #agelesswomen #ageisjustanumber #50isthenew30 #healthcoach #healthylifestyle

Laura - 51 years young (@so_this_is_50) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Lánya születése után jött el a fordulópont az életében, szeretett volna jó példát mutatni neki, formába hozta magát. Újra uralni akarta a testét, akkor is, ha ez már nehezebb volt. És azt is el akarja érni, hogy hozzá hasonlóan más anyák se érezzenek bűntudatot akkor, amikor saját magukkal foglalkoznak. Úgy gondolja, ez az egyik legnehezebb cél.

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

There's a difference between being thin and being fit! Sure I was thin in my twenties and thirties but fit I was not. . Until about the age of 35 my diet consisted of a lot of sugar and processed foods. I didn't have a clue about nutrition and I was lucky if I made it to the gym once a week. So although I may have looked healthy because I was thin, I wasn't very healthy on the inside. I suffered from almost daily gut aches, had way less energy than I do now and probably not much muscle. The changes I have made over the past 15 years I think have really helped to slow the aging process and now I feel fit! Some things that I think really helped... . ✔Switching to a largely plant based (I eat meat but eat tons of plant based foods) that keeps me full and satisfied and not crashing from all the sugar. . ✔Not constantly living in a calorie deficit which after awhile screws up your metabolism. . ✔Making exercise a priority and switching from being a cardio queen to regular weight training. . ✔Ditching soda and switching to at least 80 ounces of water daily. . ✔Stopped feeling guilty for spending time bettering myself (why do we do this as moms) . All in all I created healthier habits and stuck to them. I stopped making excuses and I stopped comparing myself to others because I had just as equal of an opportunity to look fit too as long as I was willing to do the work. . If you are struggling with getting started or staying consistent, just start by improving one new thing this week and when that gets easy, move on to another. I like to take things in steps with my clients so it doesn't all seem so overwhelming. If you don't know where to start I would love to help!. . What is your biggest struggle? . . . . #transformation #humpday #fitover50 #healthcoach #nutrition #womenover50 #womenover40 #fitmom #fitinspiration

Laura - 51 years young (@so_this_is_50) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Hikkila alapvetően egészségesen étkezik, de néha nála is becsúszik egy pizza vagy vörösbor.


(Kiemelt kép: illusztráció/Pixabay)

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