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Diverse Architectures

Létrehozva: 2020. augusztus 3. 05:17

Tibet is mysterious because of its culture and region. As a cultural phenomenon, Tibet architecture is bound to be influenced by people's emotions and mentality, which are derived from the specific natural environment and historical accumulation. As a tough ethnic group living on the plateau for a long time, the architectural features of Tibetan not only share the commonness of the architectural art of other ethnic groups on the plateau but also express the harmony between humans and nature. In terms of architectural form, it conforms to the environment and turns adverse factors into opportunities as well as innovation. No matter the materials, shapes, or colors, they are very corresponding with surroundings, as if they are growing out of it, full of human feelings and rhythm of life. In the process of inheritance, Tibetetan architecture has also maintained its unique styles. These buildings with rich characteristics attract the attention of a large number of tourists.

