Rendőrségi díszfal előtt ment iskolába a rendőrbátyját gyászoló lány

Rendőrségi díszfal előtt ment iskolába a rendőrbátyját gyászoló lány

Szolgálat közben meghalt bátyja kollégái kísérték vissza az iskolába a gyászoló lányt.

Mark Stasyuk rendőrtisztet szeptember 17-én érte halálos lövés a kaliforniai Rancho Cordovában, mikor társával egy riasztást ment ellenőrizni. Anyját és húgát, a 21 éves Aiyanát mindenben támogatta a rendőri testület az elmúlt napokban.

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PRESS RELEASE - OFFICER INVOLVED SHOOTING At 1:44 p.m. on September 17, 2018, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Communications Center received a 911 call regarding a disturbance at a local business, located at the 10000 block of Folsom Boulevard. Two Rancho Cordova Police Department Officers, which is a contract city with the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department, responded to the scene. The initial call for service gave no indication that the suspect was armed or dangerous. Upon the officers arriving, they were fired upon by the suspect and were able to return fire. The suspect fled from the initial scene on foot and was again engaged by other responding deputies at a secondary scene. The suspect was taken into custody and transported to a local hospital, where he is currently in stable condition. During this encounter, two officers were shot by the suspect. One officer, Julie Robertson (28), a three and a half year veteran, was shot in the arm and is in stable condition. The other officer, Mark Stasyuk (27), was shot by the suspect. He was pronounced dead shortly after arriving at the hospital. An uninvolved citizen was shot, presumably by the suspect. That citizen appears to be in stable condition at this time. Deputy Mark Stasyuk was a four and a half year veteran of the Sheriff’s Department and was assigned to the Rancho Cordova Police Department as a patrol officer. Deputy Stasyuk leaves behind a wife, mother, father, and sister. He was preceded in death by his older brother. The investigation into the incident will be conducted by the Sheriff’s Homicide Bureau and Professional Standards Division, which is standard practice for any officer-involved shooting that occurs in the Sheriff’s Department’s jurisdiction. An independent review of the officer-involved shooting will be conducted by the Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office. In accordance with the Sheriff’s Department policies and procedures, the deputies involved in the shooting will be placed on paid administrative leave pending the investigation.

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Aiyana most készen állt visszatérni az iskolába, ahová az első nap bátyja kollégái kísérték el. A rendőrök, az iskola tanárai és diákjai is tapsoltak neki együttérzésük jeleként. A sacramentói rendőrség részéről azt nyilatkozták, nem számítottak rá, hogy ennyi rendőr megjelenik a lány iskolai visszatérésének napján. Azt viszont hangsúlyozták, hogy mostantól a családtagjukként gondolnak a lányra. (Fox News)

Forrás: Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office

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