Lili, the cutest guide dog will melt your heart

Lili, the cutest guide dog will melt your heart

This photo series was originally shot for the International Day of Guide Dogs, but we couldn't resist posting it online as Lili is a bundle of furry love.

Lili has been the faithful assistant to our blind blogger Niki for the last 9 years. Apart from being amazingly helpful, Lili is extremely friendly and is full of love. Get ready for your daily dose of cute.

Lili when she was still a pup


 Even she gets tired every now and then, but that only makes her look sweeter.

Lill is truly devoted to helping blind people. Maybe that’s why she removes the eyes of her favorite soft toys


 Time for relax – after hours of guiding Niki around, Lili gets to be “just a dog” and run around in the forest with the others.


And being just another dog is amazing – it’s time to play catch the stick!


 Family portrait with Niki, Lili and Niki’s mom


Wherever Niki goes, Lili goes – that applies to a refreshing swim as well


 Okay, ice-skating is a notable exception. But Lili’s true loyalty is captured in this photo.





Niki and Lili even took to the runway during a fashion show. Niki said she’s never afraid to walk around as long as she can hold Lili’s harness.




Dogs love splashing around in the mud. Lili is no exception


Lili is highly educated, here she is seen at Niki’s college graduation ceremony. They have been going to classes together.



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