Szülés után: ennyiféleképpen tud kinézni az anyukák hasa

Szülés után: ennyiféleképpen tud kinézni az anyukák hasa

Anyatest hashtag alatt egyre több anyuka tesz fel magáról, a szülés utáni testéről fotókat az Instagramra.

Én mindenkit csodálok, aki feltesz magáról fürdőruhás képet bármilyen közösségi oldalra. Teljesen mindegy, hogy csúcshasizma van, vagy éppen nem, irigylem, hogy vállalja, szereti, amije van. Legalábbis nem foglalkozik azzal, hogy mit gondolnak róla meg a testéről mások. Az Instagramról válogattam most szülés utáni képeket: vannak közöttük fitneszkismamák és olyanok is, akik bátran megmutatják a nem feszes hasukat. 

Being fit and healthy is a matter of choice, passion and persistence

#postpartum #postpregnancybody #mombody #afterpregnancy #moms #momfitness #fitmom #fitmoms #afterbirth #baby #slim #stayfit #fit #fitnessmom #fit #healthydiet #healthylifestyle #healthymom #momlife #instamom #instafitness #athlete #fitnessmodel #persistent #choice #passion #health #cardio #personaltrainer #training #abs

Diana Ben Zvi Dance@Fitness (@dianabenzvifitness) által megosztott bejegyzés,

My #postpartumjourney so far - #oneweekpostpartum

letting the body do its thang - stepped on the scale today & weighed in at 160.5, which is pretty sweet! I was 182.5 at my last prenatal appointment at #39weekspregnant
20 lbs down! Pre-pregnancy weight was 145 but I know it takes time to get there, so no rush. I've been doing pelvic floor exercises (see previous post for video) & that's it. Giving myself more time to heal after this #pregnancy
. . The night sweats have started which are one of my most hated #postbaby symptoms
the major hair loss hasn't started yet, thank God!
I'm sure it won't be long tho
What were your worst post baby symptoms?! I tend to block these things out and forgot what they were like!
Overall things are going well. . . Tanner goes to his first check up on Tuesday so hopefully he is gaining weight. All this boy does is eat, sleep & poo so I'm sure he is gaining, but you never really know. He lost his belly button stub yesterday, which seems wayyy soon but it looks good so I guess it's fine
Hubby goes back to work tomorrow, & the toddlers back to school, so it will be just me and bubs for the week. I'm looking forward to sleeping & more sleeping
#sleepwhenthebabysleeps He is a happy & sweet little man
(debating filling your feed with itty bitty baby pix... there is nothing to post since this mama is down for the count for a few weeks!!)
Repost from @babybelly_to_sixpack . . . .
Get into shape faster after pregnancy with Mothershape postpartum wear. -
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POSTPARTUM MOTHERSHAPE (@postpartum) által megosztott bejegyzés,

@hawkfitnessapparel sent me some #zerofucksgiven gear

it's kinda my life motto so I kinda had too

Summers VonHesse (@socalsummers) által megosztott bejegyzés,

REPOST @stopcensoringmotherhood “And however long it takes for my body to journey back to where it was once were then that's fine... I know it'll find it's way until then I'll continue to be kind knowing that it's doing exactly what it needs to be doing right now...” Repost @imumzone ・・・ {NEW MUM CHRONICLES} ~~ Getting back to your before baby body can actually take time. Don't expect magic in one week... #goodmorning ・・・ Thank you for sharing @denupzter - Remember my first naked belly pregnant shot where I had to build up enough courage to share... Well times that by like a million for this post belly shot comparison. . The first image was taken hours before Levi was born and the second taken today at 3 weeks postpartum but I like to think 2 weeks since the first week of postpartum didn't really happen due to a large chunk of my placenta being forgotten in my uterus at birth. . One of the main reasons I share this, as most of you know, THIS is a marathon/dancer's body and while that can mean I'll bounce back in no time it clearly doesn't. Especially now too that my body is producing all of Levi's food... . I really do admire all the mamas out there that say breastfeeding get their bodies back in shape... For me it'll take me back on the trails for some long distance running to feel like myself again. . Yesterday, I was asked by the baker at my supermarket: "Are you having a girl or a boy?" and that would have really hit some soft spots/nerves with me...I mean I'm not pregnant anymore but I sure do look it... instead I smiled and nicely said I had a boy.

After I left the supermarket I realised I absolutely love my body and am so super proud of it hence the reason I chose to share this post image with you. . And however long it takes for my body to journey back to where it was once were then that's fine... I know it'll find it's way until then I'll continue to be kind knowing that it's doing exactly what it needs to be doing right now for me and for Levi! . #bopo #bodypositive #takebackpostpartum #fourthtrimester #motherhoodtabutiful #motherhoodrising #motherhood #pregnancy #birth #postpartumbody #postpartum #empoweredbirthproject #tribedemama

Motherhood Tabutiful (@motherhoodtabutiful) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Week 2 progress! Not as drastic as week 1 BUT those love handles and stretch marks will not be missed

and yes I have a total sponge bob body with no waist, never have never will
I️ am 10 weeks postpartum and I can confidently say that I️ would go to the beach in a bikini. That’s pretty incredible considering 4 weeks ago I️ thought I was tankini for life. The body can do some pretty amazing things if you commit to it-you only get one, it deserves to be loved

Marin Godsey (@maringodsey) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it may take to accomplish it
- Regaining time, sleep, energy and motivation after having a baby can take a long time. In fact, it was two years after having my second child that I finally decided I had enough of all of these things to be able to chase my fitness dream. I knew it was a long road ahead - I had no exercise experience, I was unfit and my diet needed a serious overhaul. BUT it didn’t stop me. I took one workout at a time, one day at a time and one week at a time. Eventually those weeks turned into months and then into years! - If you’re just starting out on your fitness journey don’t focus on the long road ahead, just focus on the now! After all, the time will pass anyway
. . . . . . . . . . . #workingmom #workingonmyself #workouttobehealthy #bodypositivity #inspo #postpartumbody

@lifestyle_mumma által megosztott bejegyzés,


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