Ez a csaj megmutatja, mi a rossz az előtte-utána képekben

Ez a csaj megmutatja, mi a rossz az előtte-utána képekben

"Ugyanaz a lány, ugyanaz a ruha, ugyanakkor" – ez a mottója egy brit nővértanuló, Milly Shmith projektjének, amiben szeretné felnyitni a nők szemét.

 Ezzel a fotópárral már több, mint 70 ezer lájknál, és majdnem 3000 hozzászólásnál jár az Instagramon. A két kép pár perc különbséggel készült, és tényleg óriási a különbség.

Same girl, same day, same time. ???? Not a before and after. Not a weight loss transformation. Not a diet company promotion. ???? I am comfortable with my body in both. Neither is more or less worthy. Neither makes me more or less of a human being. Neither invites degrading comments and neither invites sleezy words. ???? We are so blinded to what a real unposed body looks like and blinded to what beauty is that people would find me less attractive within a 5 second pose switch! How insanely ridiculous is that!? ???? I love taking these, it helps my mind so much with body dysmorphia and helps me rationalise my negative thoughts. ???? Don't compare, just live for you. There is no one on this planet who's like you and that's pretty damn amazing don't ya think. The world doesn't need another copy, it needs you. ???? We are worthy, valid and powerful beyond measure ???????? (If you don't pull your tights up as high as possible are you really human?)

Milly Smith ????????☀️???? (@selfloveclubb) által közzétett fénykép,

A pozitív testképet hirdető fiatal nő meg akarja mutatni a követőinek, hogy mindegy hogy néz ki a teste, szereti és kész.

“Ez nem egy valódi előtte-utána kép. Nem is nagy fogyás miatti átváltozás, és nem is fogyókúrareklám” – írta a képe mellé. “Én jól érzem magam mindkét testemben. Egyik testem sem tesz értékesebbé, vagy értéktelenebbé, vagy kevésbé emberivé. És egyik sem érdemel leszóló vagy éppen mocskos beszólásokat.

Milly szerint már csak a gondosan pózoló testnek a szépségét látjuk, nem is vesszük észre a szépet egy olyan testben, ami nem tökéletesen van beállítva. Nézzétek meg a fotóit!


YOU DONT????????HAVE TO???????? SHARE ???????? UNDRESSED ???????? PHOTOS ???????? TO BE ???????? BOPO! . Bopo is about encouraging and adopting a more forgiving, accepting approach to yourself and your body. Learning to love yourself inside out! It can be as personal or as socially shared as you like. . ???? Building your self esteem through accepting your body and image doesn't have to mean sharing skin online. I do! And for many others it's empowering and helpful but if it's not for you then THATS OKAY ???????? . ???? Whilst I think it is of great importance to build a relationship with your naked self and to realise it's nothing to be ashamed of- it's perfectly okay to not be comfortable with sharing that online; after all it's YOUR body and YOUR journey. . ???? Do what empowers you, support what empowers others! Do what feels right for you and your body-whilst pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is very important it's also important to not feel forced or pressured into doing something you ultimately don't want to do! . ???? Your journey is as unique as your body. Let it be that way. Don't compare someone else's journey or photos to yours- let yourself find what's best for you. We are worthy, valid and powerful beyond measure ????

Milly Smith ????????☀️???? (@selfloveclubb) által közzétett fénykép,


Just a same girl, same day, different pose reminder that our bodies look different in different angles and that it's perfectly ok, normal and natural. You don't need to look like anybody else but YOU ❤ ???? I get asked a lot recently how to start a Bopo insta page as they want confidence. I often come up with nothing because I'm not entirely sure I understand. ???? Are they asking me how to get started on a journey to self love or just how to start an insta page to get justification that their body is worthy in hope it will bring them self love? ???? Before I put my photos and words out onto Instagram I started my journey to self love with myself; I mean it's still a very personal journey but I want to share it now and help others too. I took photos and wrote down love notes to my body without showing them to a soul- it was just for my soul and my mind. ???? Starting an insta page could help you on your journey of course but your motives are what's important- know what they are before starting is my advice. Maybe do it off social media first and get a feel for your journey and what works/doesn't work for you and do it for YOU. Do it for your soul. Your follower count doesn't matter or make you more or less worthy. 10,000 people telling you your pretty wont bring about self love either. It's so much more than that and it starts deep inside yourself not with your aesthetics. Bopo isn't a 'trend'. ???? It's not about how many you can impress, you need to be impressing yourself. Make yourself proud.

Milly Smith ????????☀️???? (@selfloveclubb) által közzétett fénykép,


I feel like a fraud today. I don't feel like a Bopo warrior today. ???? The last few days I haven't even really looked at my body. I haven't studied it's curves or lines-I've avoided it completely. I've let negative comments and voices seep in. ???? I've dressed quickly to avoid having to feel my tummy or my thighs and I've slept in positions that my tummy doesn't crease or fold. I've compared myself to others and allowed myself to feel low and awful about my vessel. ???? I can feel guilt as I write this because i hated this picture. I felt guilt whilst taking it and I feel guilt now. I wanted to post it, my hardest post yet because it's still my body, my glorious vessel that I've loved and praised previously. ❤️ It's okay to feel this way. It's okay. Recovery isn't linear and just because I feel this way doesn't mean I'm going backwards! In fact I've made a huge leap posting this despite deleting this way! ❤️ The truth is-body positivity isn't easy and it's certainly not all smiles and cute photos. It's pain, strength, solidarity and pure bad assery. It's pushing on and never giving up even if times are harder than they've ever been. It's appreciating your body for everything you've hated it for and knowing that even when that hate rears its ugly head every now and again that you're still wonderful, valid, worthy and powerful beyond measure. ???? It's ok not to be ok.

Milly Smith ????????☀️???? (@selfloveclubb) által közzétett fénykép,



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