1. Brigitte Bardot és Alain Delon andalgása Saint-Tropez-ban, 1968-ban
Brigitte Bardot and Alain Delon, Saint-Tropez, 1968. pic.twitter.com/h6L2jPxKov
— History In Pictures (@HistoryInPics) May 14, 2015
2. Marilyn Monroe strandolása 1945-ből
Marilyn Monroe photographed by Andres de Dienes in October 1945. pic.twitter.com/PC9VwCRJdT
— History In Pictures (@HistoryInPics) May 11, 2015
3. Natalie Wood csónakázása 1950-ből
Natalie Wood, on a boat ride in the mid 1950s. Photograph by MGM. pic.twitter.com/IBLJn5oaye
— History In Pictures (@HistoryInPics) May 5, 2015
4. Jackie Kennedy olaszországi nyaralása 1962-ből
Jackie Kennedy during a trip Ravello, Italy with her sister, 1962. Photograph by Benno Graziani. pic.twitter.com/0PlDrs2VpO
— History In Pictures (@HistoryInPics) May 2, 2015
5. Velence 1950-ben
Venice, Italy, 1950. Photograph by David Seymour. pic.twitter.com/COfwVA7b6b
— History In Pictures (@HistoryInPics) April 22, 2015
6. Elvis Presley strandolós képe 1960-ból
Elvis Presley, Hawaii, 1960. pic.twitter.com/h5NkbrZ1Hj
— History In Pictures (@HistoryInPics) April 11, 2015
7. Szörfös csajok 1955-ből
Surfer Girls, 1955. pic.twitter.com/G41kyyl7Z8
— History In Pictures (@HistoryInPics) April 2, 2015
8. Nyári udvarlás 1932-ből
A young girl listening to a boy playing a guitar on the beach at Cliftonville, Kent, 1932. pic.twitter.com/CuNrGSRc0M
— History In Pictures (@HistoryInPics) March 27, 2015
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