Egyre több nő ápolja arcmaszkkal hónalját, amely állítólag egyszerre puhítja a borotválástól pirosodásra hajlamos felületet és akadályozza meg az izzadást. A legtöbb arcmaszkban ugyanis a dezodorokhoz hasonlóan megtalálható az alumíniumsó, amely összetevő az izzadás megakadályozásáért felel.
Multi tasking. Multi masking?? . Switching to a natural deodorant is often the hardest and last step for those trying to live a more natural lifestyle. And for good reason. No one wants to sweat or stink. And lots of natural deodorants just don’t do the same work that conventional ones do. I would much rather be a little sweaty than put aluminum in my pits (hello, cancer & Alzheimer’s) but I get it. We need deodorant that works. . Armpit ‘detoxes’ are also known to help with the transition to more natural forms of anti-perspirant and deodorant. Using a clay or mud mask on your armpits might help to remove some of the metals and toxins that have been applied there in the past. I’m using my Dead Sea mask here, but the Aztec healing clay mask (available on Amazon) is a great choice as well. . I have used and praised @schmidtsnaturals deodorants for the past year or so, but I’ve been getting an irritated rash on my skin lately from it (yarrow tincture to the rescue!). I know that’s a common complaint with them, even though they are the best working (and best smelling!) natural deo I’ve been able to find easily. I’m going to try their sensitive formula and see if that helps, but I know there are so many other great options out there as well. I’ve also done the DIY route with good success, but sometimes I’m just lazy. . Tell me your favorite natural deodorant below! I want to try some new ones out! .
Az alumíniumsó egy időre eltömíti a mirigyeket, így gátolja meg az izzadást. Ugyanezen az alapon működnek a hónalj vonalára applikálható arcmaszkok is, amelyek bizonyos időre állítólag szintén képesek megakadályozni az izzadást.
(Forrás: Dailystar)