
Ezeken a helyeken tudsz ingyen jógázni

Ha szeretnél jógázni, de éppen nem költenél rá pár ezer forintot sem, akkor ezeket a programokat neked találták ki.

1. FLuxus jóga

Március 24-én, csütörtökön a Budapest Pont jógaóráján kipróbálhatod, hogy tetszik-e a jógázás. Az esemény Facebook oldalán azt írják: “a gyakorlás adomány alapú – ne tartson vissza senkit, ha épp nincs pénze jógára!”

 2. GANAPATI Jógaklub

 Március 26-án, szombaton nemcsak jógázhatsz, meditálhatsz is: “Mámorító hangszerekkel, közös énekléssel. Meditációs technikát tanulunk az elménk fókuszálására, lecsendesítésére.”


I've written about happiness a few times in my captions.. Self acceptance and knowing yourself are a very important part of that but I want to bring up also one other thing that influences a happy life. This thing is even more important than the previous two I mentioned but many times all of them go hand in hand. Today I want to write about helping others. ❤ In my opinion if you love yourself and accept your life, you are more able to help others. You have more energy to give attention to others. But also – if you help others, for sure you get a good feeling and happiness from it. If you try to be good and you can help others, how can you see yourself in a bad light? ❤ Yesterday I did a little act for the benefit of a poor orphanage and it felt very good. I should do more things like this and I really want to give my attention more and more to helping others. It doesn't have to be something big. We all have different resources but there is always something that we can do for others. Everyday. Giving time is many times more valuable than giving money. ❤ We should also find our own way because it's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving. ❤ Helping others is a way to make our life more meaningful. And actually… We shouldn't even need a reason to help people. We should just help.❤

Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) által közzétett fénykép,

 3. Margitszigeti jógaórák

Április közepén kezdődnek a szabadtéri jógaórák a Margitszigeten. Ha valaki jól érzi magát, akkor van lehetősége adományt adni, annyit, amennyit gondol, amennyit egy szabadtéri jógaórára szánna.

This is my ☝☝☝ photo on this account! It feels a bit unbelievable… ❤ If someone would have told me three months ago to do 100 photos and Instagram posts for NYG, the amount of work would have felt probably too much at once. Step by step, day by day and here we are. It's been also so much fun.☺ ❤ Many projects, dreams and goals require a huge amount of work. And if you think about everything it requires at once, it can feel like way too much! But when you proceed in small steps and do something every day for your dream, goal or project, you can thank yourself later when you notice how much you have actually managed to do. ❤ Oh, this is just the beginning. Many more images to come.???? ❤ Do you have a dream/goal/project that you are working on?

Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) által közzétett fénykép,

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