Visszakapta az önbizalmát a hajhullástól szenvedő kislány

Visszakapta az önbizalmát a hajhullástól szenvedő kislány

Egy jó fodrász és parókamester varázsolhat a tudományával. Különösen, ha egy hatéves, kóros hajhullásban szenvedő kislányról van szó.

Talyah Moe-nak négyéves korában kezdett el kórosan hullani a haja, míg teljesen kopasz nem lett. Szülei hiába próbálták vigasztalni, hogy nem csak hajából áll a szépsége, a kislány a hajával minden önbizalmát is elvesztette. Persze ezen óvodás társai kegyetlen csúfolása sem segített. 

Everyone meet Talyah. She is a smart, caring,and loving child who was diagnosed with alopecia areata at the early age of four. Her condition started with small bald spots however new to this condition her parents thought that it could have been ringworms transferred while traveling. Once seen by the doctor they immediately started multiple unsuccessful treatments including, seeing a dermatologist, shots, and using expensive topical creams. Needless to say it was an emotional time for Talyah and her supportive family as they continuously encouraged her through the bullying of her peers being sure to keep her encouraged. Saddened through extensive research her parents had come to accept that their daughter would be bald and within six months all of her hair was gone. Immediately, the family noticed the difference in their daughter Talyahs, confidence as she started wearing knitted caps to leave the house. Since the tender age of two she has been obsessed with becoming a ballerina however she made the final decision that her last recital would be at age 8 because of the fear of her hat falling off. Fast forwarding to today, she has now started wearing custom made wigs by Hair Majesty and is getting active again; she has even considered trying out for ballet schools. Her exact words we’re, "He'll make me look like a ballerina again”. If you could, let’s shed light on this rare condition and encourage those who suffer with it by spreading the word of her beautiful journey; let’s make her go viral! Tag your favorite blog site! #frontal #wigs #lacewig #braids #cornrows #uparts #fulllacewig #atlantahairstylist #sewin #kinkyhair #deepwave #wavyhair #straighthair #babyhair #cut #alopecia #alopeciaareata #theshaderoom #barbershopconnect #stylistshopconnect #nastybarbers

HAIR MAJESTY™ ( által megosztott bejegyzés,

Aaron, az atlantai parókamester és fodrász viszont szerencsére tudott segíteni Talyah-n. Egy gyönyörű, hosszú parókát készített neki, ami eltakarja a kislány kopaszságát. Azóta Talyah-t mintha kicserélték volna, újra visszanyerte önbizalmát, sőt már kortársainak is képes mesélni a betegségéről. 

(Forrás: Yahoo)

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