Még a közelgő hétvégénél is imádni valóbb a kerekes macska

Még a közelgő hétvégénél is imádni valóbb a kerekes macska

Előző gazdái bántalmazták a lebénult macskát, aki végre jó kezekbe került, és teljes életet él.

A fogyatékkal élő Rexie-nek csak a két első lába jó, ezért egy a derekára szerelhető kocsival jár-kel. A macskát korábbi tulajdonosai bántalmazták, ennek következtében lebénult szegény. A rózsaszín eszközzel viszont most ugyanolyan teljes, boldog életet él, mint társai. A macskát imádják, nagy népszerűségnek örvend az interneten is. Saját Instagram-oldala van, ahol 200 000 rajongó lesi, mikor lájkolhatja Rexie legújabb képeit.

#LearnAboutRexie A lot of people assume that the only proper way for Rexie and other cats in a similar condition to walk is using a wheelchair. But in fact, it's the other way round. Unlike dogs and a number of other animals, paralysed cats do not need a wheelchair to move around better and have a good quality of life. Most cats do feel better living as they are, without any additional object that we think might help them. Two-legged cats by no means are different from the normal ones, except for being slower and clumsier at times and having no ability to jump. But they do perfectly fine with those two legs they have. They're agile and mobile enough to do their daily cat things and if you put the cat in a wheelchair, it would limit those capabilities. So if you have a cat with rear end issues but who's moving around without any trouble, I would recommend letting him/her live as they are. Buying a wheelchair would be just a waste of money, learnt by the first hand experience. In case you're wondering where I got a wheelchair for Rexie, I bought it from a Ukrainian company Frakishtak. They make high quality custom things for special needs animals and ship worldwide. Just Google the name and you'll find them easily. To prevent sores or wearing fur off of a paralysed waist down cat that has to drag their feet as they walk, a drag bag can be used as an "alternative" to a wheelchair. Rexie doesn't have any issues with that so he doesn't have to wear one.

Handicat that walks on two 🐾 (@rexiecat) által megosztott bejegyzés,

The face he made when I told him we're going to the vet #shoked #pleaseno #PleaseTellmeYouAreJoking

Handicat that walks on two 🐾 (@rexiecat) által megosztott bejegyzés,


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