Ezt tette a diplomázó lány, könnybe lábad a szemed

Ezt tette a diplomázó lány, könnybe lábad a szemed

Édesapját még a középiskolában, édesanyját pedig nem sokkal később, 19 évesen vesztette el Sequoia Smith. Hihetetlen akaraterővel, szülői támasz híján is befejezte az egyetemet, diplomaosztójára készülve pedig megemlékezett elhunyt szüleiről is.

30 ezer lájknál  jár az Instagramon a 25 éves Sequoia Smith posztja, aki idén májusban fogja átvenni egészségügyi diplomáját. A fiatal lány 19 éves korára mindkét szülőjét elvesztette különböző betegségeik miatt, és sokáig úgy tűnt, hogy nem is fogja tudni befejezni az egyetemet.

Sokszor akkor is mosolyt erőltettem magamra, amikor legszívesebben sírtam volna a kimerültségtől

– írta posztjában a fiatal lány, akinek munka mellett, családi támasz nélkül, óriási akaraterővel sikerült befejeznie az egyetemet. Közelgő diplomaosztója előtt most két nagy portréval emlékezett meg szüleiről, akiknek óvó szeretetét haláluk ellenére még mindig maga körül érzi. 

17 years old, I remember my mama just hugging me and crying. She told me my dad passed away. Less than three months away from getting my HS diploma. I walked across that stage with my head held high, knowing that though he wasn’t physically there... he was still watching. 19 years old, roughly 2AM. After DAYS of not sleeping and having to watch my mom suffer. I was alone at hospice with her, watched her take her last breath... This was TEN days after getting my Associates Degree. My mom had stage 4 cervical cancer and she fought her BEST fight. Seems like weeks, months even years passed by and it didn’t seem real that my parents were gone. Sometimes, it still doesn’t. This picture is apart of my testimony. When my mom passed, I took time off from school and completely cancelled the idea of going back. I felt so numb and detached from the world. Time kept passing and I knew I had to go back. 25 years old... As long as it took to FINALLY get this Bachelors Degree, I STILL did it. Not having anyone to call or talk to at times. Having to work ridiculous hours to make sure I had bare necessities. Keeping a smile on my face to keep from crying. I STILL did it. One thing I can say is, I’ve grown. My strength overshadows my weakness. I am resilient and powerful. Despite loss, I can and always will overcome adversity. I know that as long as I lean on God’s arm for understanding and guidance, he will lead me in the right direction. My circumstances are far from the best, but I have found ways to make the best of what I have & thank God in the process. I am sharing this to inspire and encourage someone else. No matter WHAT you go through, no matter who you lose... you have to keep fighting. Stay focused and pray every single day, even when things are going well. Losing two people as important as your parents will change you & make you want to give up. Surround yourself with people who will uplift you! People who will pray for you without knowing the demons you’re battling. You will need them & whether you know it or not, they will need you. It is my greatest honor to annnounce that May 11th, I will be walking across that stage & though I may cry, I know they’re smiling.

Sequoia Smith ☀️ (@ms.cokes) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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