
Teljesen meghatódott a kisfiú testvére ajándékától – cuki videó

Ezért csodás, ha az embernek testvére van. Ez a szuperjófej kislány meglepte bátyját valami igazán szuper ajándékkal – a kisfiú pedig teljesen meghatódott.

Megesik, hogy néha sok a vita vagy a féltékenység a testvérek között, de azért mégis egészen csodás dolog, ha az embernek van tesója. Mellékesen azért is, mert ilyen szuper ajándékokkal lephet meg. 

Ebben a tüneményes videóban a kislány különleges meglepetéssel készül nagy tesójának: vett neki egy igazi hörcsögöt. A kissrác pedig teljesen elolvad a szuper ajándéktól, sírva fakad és testvére karjaiba borul. Ha megnézed ezt a videót, tutira te is meg akarod majd ölelgetni a tesódat!

So ever since Abby got her hamster Daniel had been busting his butt doing extra chores and going above and beyond to earn money to buy himself one. We added up Abigail's birthday money and gift cards and she had $55 total. I asked her what she wanted to do with her money and she says, “I want to surprise Daniel and buy him his hamster. He has been working soooo hard.” I asked her numerous times of she was sure that's what she wanted to do with her money and she never faltered. Daniel went over to a friend's house to have a sleepover and we took Abby to pet smart where she asked for the exact hamster Daniel said he wanted, held it to make sure it was nice and excitedly told the woman all about how she was surprising her brother. We got it home, set it up and she she couldn't wait for him to get home from his sleep over so he could be surprised and meet and name his hamster. This is the video of him meeting “Cubby.” Daniel Stout

Posted by Rachel Stout on Monday, February 15, 2016

 Még több cuki videó az NLCafén:

Forrás: Mashable

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