Unokái is meglátogatják Diana hercegnő sírját a születésnapján

Unokái is meglátogatják Diana hercegnő sírját a születésnapján

Diana születésnapja alkalmából az unokái, György herceg és a kis Charlotte is meglátogatják Diana sírját.

Diana hercegnő utolsó mondata ma is téma, egykor viselt ruháját rekordösszegért árverezik, de Dianától szívesen idéznek is, ha inspirációra van valakinek szüksége. A tragikus körülmények között meghalt Dianára 56. születésnapja alkalmából emlékezik ma a világ, és természetesen a királyi család. Megható ez a gyerekkori fotó Vilmos hercegről, a kis Harry hercegről, és Diana hercegnőről. Természetesen Katalin is  részt vesz Diana hercegnő sírjánál egy zárt körű megemlékezésen ma, ahova elviszik a gyerekeket is: György herceget és a kis Charlotte-ot.

A megemlékezés northamptonshire-i birtokon lesz, ahol Diana élt, mielőtt 1981-ben férjhez ment Károly herceghez. A szertartáson részt vesz a canterbury érsek, de Diana hercegnő testvére vezeti majd. Diana a birtok tavának szigetén van eltemetve, de a pontos helyét csak a család tudja, mert nem akarják, hogy az emberek zavarják Diana hercegnő végső nyughelyét.

William, Kate and Harry will attend a private re-dedication service at Princess Diana's grave at Althorp. George and Charlotte will also likely attend. The service is to take place this Saturday, which would have been the Princess's 56th birthday. It will be overseen by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and will most likely be lead by Diana's brother, the 9th Earl Spencer. Diana is buried in the grounds of Althorp House in Northamptonshire. The 13,000-acre aristocratic estate was her home before her marriage to Prince Charles in 1981. Diana was buried on an island in an ornamental lake known as The Oval, within Althorp Park’s Pleasure Garden. It is located in the centre of the 500-year-old estate, although it has never been revealed exactly where her grave is. Visitors pay up to £18.50 to enter the estate, but there is no public access to the island itself. The Oval Lake has undergone extensive redesign, overseen by the Earl's third wife, Countess Karen Spencer (pictured), to honour Diana's memory. The couple have a four-year-old daughter, named Lady Charlotte Diana, who enjoys visiting 'Auntie Diana' on the island. Earl Spencer had received criticism of the state of the island by Diana's former personal chef, Darren McGrady, after complaining that it had become overgrown and 'neglected'. However an Althorp spokesman said that it was intended to lend the Princess privacy. The redesign has seen Diana's favourite flowers, forget-me-nots and rhododendrons, planted on the island. A physical memorial has also been erected. “Before, we left the grave unmarked because the family knew where it was,” explains Spencer. “But now we’re going to have a memorial to Diana.” It was completed in time for the 20th anniversary of Diana's death in Paris in August 1997. William and Harry are commemorating the anniversary by commissioning a statue of their mother which will stand in the gardens of Kensington Palace, her former home. The Diana Award was also set up in Diana's name to mark the anniversary. It recognizes the power of young people and is awarded to twenty youngsters who have carried out Diana's legacy of kindness and service through their various organizations.

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