
Katalin hercegné Diana legendás ruhájába bújt

Kate Middleton klasszikus viseletet idézett meg.

Férjével, Vilmos herceggel közös írországi útjukon Katalin hercegné rég látott ruhadarabbal lepte meg a közönséget. Az általa viselt, Oscar de la Renta tervezte ruha nyilvánvalóan az 1997-ben elhunyt Diana hercegnő egyik legemlékezetesebb öltözékét idézte.

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This evening, The Duke & Duchess attended a reception hosted by Tánaiste Simon Coveney at the Museum of Literature Ireland where William gave a keynote speech. The couple were shown the very first copy of James Joyce’s Ulysses at the museum, printed in 1922. Simon Coveney gave three letters to The Duke and Duchess which were written by his three children for the royal couple’s three children. In his speech, The Duke referred to the continuing discussions over the future relationship between Ireland and the UK and vowed that his family would do their part to enhance relationships between people. “Growing up, I remember seeing the troubles that took place, which affected so many people across the UK and Ireland. This explains why one of the truly profound moments for Catherine and me took place yesterday at the Garden of Remembrance. It was a reminder of the complexity of our shared history, and that as my grandmother said during her visit in 2011, ‘Our islands have experienced more than their fair share of heartache and turbulence.’ “But it was also a reminder about how far we have come. It is right that we continue to remember those who suffered as a consequence of our troubled past. And whilst many wrongs have been done, it is important that we are not bound by these. “Ladies and gentlemen, legal treaties are vital in underpinning the relationships between states. But relationships between people are equally, if not more, essential – especially between the people of our two countries, whose lives, histories and futures are so deeply intertwined. “My family is determined to continue playing our part in protecting, preserving and strengthening that bond.” William added, “As we stood on the cliffs at Howth and looked across the Irish Sea – a mere 50 miles for the British coastline – it was easy to see why so many people find the lure of this beautiful country so difficult to resist.” #RoyalVisitIreland 🇮🇪

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Katalin hercegné nem először vesz fel retró ruhadarabokat, de ahogy telik az idő, egyre nagyobb önbizalommal viseli a klasszikus stílusokat (meg Mangót és Zarát is). A mostani, lila alapon fehér pettyes ruhát lófarokkal tette egy kicsit modernebbé és játékosabbá.

Katalin hercegné régi kabát

Egy korábbi retró darab (Fotó: Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

(Good Morning America)

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